We pray for ourselves and other people, but sometimes faithful people might also join their hands in prayer to pray for dogs. Dogs are one of God’s magnificent creatures, and there are many reasons to pray for dogs.
Here are some of the best prayers for dogs, including prayers for new dogs, prayers for stray dogs and prayers for a dog’s health.
Prayers for New Dogs
Please be with us as we welcome a new four-legged member to our family.
Help us through good times and bad ones ahead, and guide us to be the best caretakers of Your creatures that we can be. Lead our faith, so that we might inspire others to do the same on this planet. Teach us, so that we might take each decision related to our beloved pets with wisdom.
Protect them and us, as You hold Your hand over all creatures great and small.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
As we welcome one of Your wonderful creatures into our family, please cast Your hand of protection over them as You have over us.
Please help us to be the best dog owners that we can. Help us so that we might always take action out of love, faith and wisdom. Help us so that we might be able to provide a good, trusting life for this wonderful addition to our family.
We thank you for the gift of life. We thank you for the opportunity to act as caretakers of the world that You have given us.
May the Lord’s light always shine over His creatures.
Prayers for Dog Owners
Please hear our voices in prayer as we get together to say a prayer for the world’s dog owners and caretakers.
We pray that the world’s dog owners act with wisdom and faith, to take the best care of their pets that they can. We pray that the world’s dog owners always have in glorious abundance, so that they might share what they have. We pray that the stray dogs of the world might find owners who love them, so that there is more kindness to be seen in the world.
Bestow upon them kindness, wisdom and faith as You have done for us throughout our lives.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
We join our hands in prayer to call God’s protection over the world’s dog owners, and anyone who might be tasked with taking care of creatures that have been put on their path by the Lord.
We ask that the world’s dog owners find their way to kindness, love and faith.
We ask that the world’s dog owners can always act with good intentions.
We ask that the world’s dog owners can be given what they need in abundance, so that they can continue their good work by sharing what they have been given.
We ask that the world’s dog owners are protected, as the Lord has promised He will do for us.
Please, may unkind pet owners see the error of their ways and turn their eyes to the Lord. May those who have lost their way find their path back to kindness.
In the name of the Lord,
Prayers for a Dog’s Health
Please be with us as we pray for the improvement of our dog’s health.
As we face uncertainty about what might happen next, we pray Your divine hand of protection over our beloved pet. Protect them, so that they can have the time to heal and so that the Lord’s divine light shines over them always.
Please may their days be filled with happiness. Please may their mobility last well into their life. Please grant us the chance to have many good moments that are filled with grace and goodness and laughter.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
We pray for the improvement of our pet’s health, and strength in these times where we are worried about what could happen.
Please be with our pet as they go through difficulty, and remain with them as they take the time to heal. Please light the way, and help us to be the best caretakers for our pets which we can. Please bless every moment of their lives and ours, so that we might share our existence together.
We ask You to be with us and them always,
Protect us, guide us and show us the way.
We ask this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Dogs
We join our hands together in prayer to say a few words for our beloved pets, and for all the dogs that You have put on the planet for us to take care of.
May their days be filled with happiness and abudance. May they never want for anything in their lives, but always have someone to watch over them. May they live their days out in the glory of the Lord.
Please protect them as you have protected us, and help us to do our very best to take care of them in turn.
We pray for this in the Lord’s name, and we know that it can be so,
We ask you with this prayer to protect all the dogs of the world from harm and hurt, including our own.
Let us always do our best to take care of them, as You have shown us through the Word. Let us always act with kindness, mercy and love as the Bible has taught and instructed us to do. Let us be able to teach others, so that they might do the same.
We pray the Lord’s divineprotection over us, and over our pets, and over the animals of the world who might be most in need of it right at this very moment.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Stray Dogs
We say this prayer to ask you to be with all the world’s dogs without owners.
Please cast Your divine hand of protection over the stray dogs of the world, so that they might make it through. Please be with them in times of fear, hunger and weather. Please may they find their way to warmth and love.
We also ask that You inspire the world’s people and animal protection projects. May people who are in a position to help be able to help the world’s stray pets with abundance and love.
Please be with them as you have been with us,
We pray for this in the Lord’s name,
Please hear us as we say a prayer for the world’s stray dogs and lonely pets.
We ask You to be there for all the world’s creatures who might not have shelter or home. We ask of You to bestow wisdom and kindness upon people who are able to make a difference, so that more dogs can find the homes they need filled with abundance and love.
Be with pets as they go through rain and shine. Bless each moment of their lives from the very first day.
Please be with them and be with us, as we learn each day to be more kind and live closer to the Lord’s plan for us.
We ask this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Thanksgiving
Please hear us as we pray for thanks, and give thanks for the good things You have brought into our lives.
Thank you for the wonderful gift of abundant life, and for the wonderful dogs that you have brought across our path in this world. We are grateful for the opportunity to care, for the chance to love and for the choice to live closer to the way of the Lord.
Please be with us now and always,
Protect our dogs and guard us so that we can continue to take care of them in the Lord’s light,
We pray for this in the Lord’s name,
We come together as faithful believers to ask,, but also to thank.
We thank you for our wonderful dogs. We thank you for the chance to be better every day, and to take care of God’s living creatures. We thank you for the life, love and abundance that you have given us.
Blessed are those who learn how to love. Blessed are those who have learned how to share their love and blessings with others. Blessed are the dog owners of the world, and blessed are the dogs.
Bless us and our pets, as You have continued to do since the beginning of ages.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for All Dogs
Please hear us as we come together to pray for the world’s dogs, including ours.
We pray that their owners might always have abundance, happiness and faith. We pray that they might always be warm, safe and taken care of. We pray that they might always walk with love and light.
We ask for this in the Lodr’s name,