14 Prayers for Encouragement and Faith

There are many reasons why it’s a good idea to bring our thoughts to the Lord in prayer.

Prayers for Encouragement

The Bible tells us that God is there for our needs. We pray when we are in need of answers to our questions, but we also pray when we are in need of encouragement or the courage to take on the new day ahead.

There is no better way to courage than through the love of the Lord.

Here are the best prayers for encouragement, including prayers for encouragement, prayers for encouragement and love, and prayers for encouragement and faith.

Prayers for Encouragement

“Dear Heavenly Father,

We say this prayer to ask the Lord for encouragement and strength.

We never know what the next day might hold for us, but we know that we approach every day with God. In times of questioning or difficulty, may the Lord be with us to hold our hand and guide our path. May we find our strength, and may the Lord take charge of our every decision.

Let us never be alone in our journey, but let us rejoice because we walk it with the Lord.


“Our Father,

We say this prayer for encouragement and strength during difficult times.

May we be carried through this time by the love and faith of the Lord our God. May we make the right decisions, and may the Lord always be there to watch over the next decisions that we are to make. May we find kindness, mercy and courage through the Lord when we are in need.

We ask this in the Lord’s name,


Prayers for Encouragement and Faith

“Dear Lord,

We say this prayer in God’s name so that He might be with us in our time of need.

Guide us when we do not know, so that we make our next decisions with the Lord’s help and wisdom. Help us when we do not believe, so that our faith in God is made stronger and never affected by our own doubts and stresses. Protect us when we move through our life’s journey, so that we never come to harm.

All things are possible through God, and we ask that He is there to face the challenges and tribulations of our lives with us in every moment.


“Our God,

Please be with us when we are in need of love, faith and encouragement.

Carry us in every moment so that we might be wise, kind and loving. Remind us to live out our lives as an example of Christ’s message, and let us approach our lives with the same bravery and kindness that we have seen in Christ.

Help us to be strong when we feel weak, and let us be courageous in God when we feel like we question His plans.

Let us find our strength and our joy in the Lord our God.


Prayers for Encouragement and Love

“Dear Father,

We say this prayer so that the Lord our God might be with us during times of weakness or difficulty.

No obstacle or enemy that might come into our lives can be stronger than the Lord. No person or situation can ever affect our faith, or our love for the Lord.

We ask that the Lord is with us during this time so that we might know what to do. Let us listen to the Lord’s plan for us and know to make the right decisions at the right times.

Please let the Lord be with us in every moment so that we might live with God’s glory and wisdom and kindness close to us.


“Merciful Father

Please hear us as we ask the Lord to give us encouragement and courage during this time of need.

We ask the Lord to be with us when we feel alone. We ask the Lord to give us strength when we feel like we are weak. We ask the Lord to bless our lives with love, and to bless our lives with strength so that we might always make the right decision that brings us closer to the Lord.

:Let us never question, but always move to make our next decision to glorify the Lord. Let us be strong in the Lord’s name, for the Lord our God is good.


Prayers for Encouragement in God

“Dear Father,

We pray so that we might find encouragement and strength through the Lord.

Please carry us through in our darkest hours and times of questioning. Please strengthen our hearts, minds and faith so that we might remain strong through our love for the Lord. Please be with us and with others during this time, so that we might live closer to the Lord’s message and plan for our lives.

We are strong and never weak, for the Lord and His message gives us our strength and wisdom.

We say this prayer in God’s name,


“Dear Heavenly Father,

Please remain with us as we say this prayer and ask the Lord for our strength and courage.

May we be as courageous as Daniel in his time of need, may we be as strong as Samson when we have been given a task to complete by the Lord. May we laugh in the face of fear and uncertainty, for we know that the Lord our God is strong in all things.

Let us rejoice for the challenges that life might bring, for we know that we approach these new things with the help and encouragement of the Lord.


Prayers for Encouragement

Prayers for Encouragement Through Difficulty

“Dear Father in Heaven,

We say this prayer so that God might be there to help us through strife and difficult times.

Please may the Lord be there to guide and guard us. Please may the Lord help us to be strong and faithful. Please may we walk every step of this journey with the Lord, so that our challenges might crumble in the face of God’s mercy and strength.

We say this prayer in the Lord’s name.


“Dear Lord,

We say this prayer for encouragement and strength.

Carry us through these times, so that we are strong in God no matter what challenges we might face next. Guide and guard us, so that we might find our way closer to the path of the Lord with every passing day. Let us always make the right decisions, and protect us from doubt and harm as You have promised to do for us each day.

We rejoice, for we look forward to the challenges that we might face together with God. We rejoice, for each and every day is a blessing from the Lord.


Prayers for Encouragement Tomorrow

“Dear Heavenly Father,

We say this prayer for encouragement, strength and faith tomorrow.

Though we know not what the new day could bring, we know that we face every day of our lives together with the Lord. May our thoughts and hearts be filled with joy and kindness, and never panic or stress. We have faith in the Lord and His plan for our lives, and we have faith that we might make it through with His encouragement and help.

In the Lord’s name we pray,


“Dear God,

Grant us strength when we are weak, and faith when we are in doubt. Give us encouragement through the message and word of the Lord, so that we can rejoice for the new challenges we might come to face in the near future.

Even though we do not know what tomorrow might bring, we are safe in our covenant with the Lord. We know that we are stronger with God.

Protect us, guide us and guard us in this time.

In the Lord’s glorious name,


Prayers for Encouragement in Life

“Dear Father our God,

We pray for encouragement in life from the Lord our God for us and for others.

May those who are in need of strength find theirs with the help of the Lord. May those who question find their answers through the word and message of the Lord. May there be faith and strength in every blessed day of their lives so that they might walk on their life’s path with the Lord our God.


“Our Father,

Please hear our voices as we say this prayer for strength and ask the Lord for encouragement.

Give us courage when we feel that we are weak, and faith when doubt comes to rear its head in our lives. Give us strength and encouragement so that we might know we face all new things with the love of the Lord our God.

Let us see each day as a blessed challenge. Let us approach each and every obstacle through the power of the Lord. Let our hearts and minds rejoice for the things we are about to face, for we know that we face them with the power of the Lord.

We pray for strength in these times, and we thank the Lord for the love and faith that He has given to us.


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