Prayer is there to help us heal, to bring our issues to the Lord and to ask Him to be with us and others during difficult times. If you know someone who has seen their loved ones pass on to the Kingdom of God, here is a selection of prayers you can say for them and the ones they love.
Here are prayers for someone who lost a loved one, including prayers for mourning, prayers for faith and prayers for the recent loss of a loved one.
Prayers for Someone Who Lost a Loved One
We say this prayer to ask the Lord our God to be with those who have lost their loved ones.
We ask that God’s mercy be with them, and that God is there to carry them through their time of sadness and mourning. May God keep their faith strong as their loved ones make their way to the Kingdom of God. We ask that their sadness and mourning turns to joy and gladness, for their loved ones are now with the Lord.
We pray for this in the Lord’s name.
We say this prayer as a thought for those who have lost loved ones.
May they rejoice for the good memories they have shared with the ones they love, and not be sad or mourn that they have moved on to another life with God. We ask that their days are blessed and that they wake up to find every day more enriched with blessings than the last. We ask that they walk their journey with the Lord, so that they might know how to be happy.
Please may those who have lost find comfort in the Lord’s word.
Prayers for Someone Who Lost a Loved One Recently
We say this prayer to the Lord for all of those who have lost loved ones in recent times.
Please may God be there to guide their loved ones into the Kingdom of the Lord. Please may God be there for those who remain behind in this life, so that they might learn how to live with the loss of their loved ones at this time. Please may God keep their faith and strength during this time, so that they walk through this path of mourning with the Lord.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name.
We say this prayer to ask the Lord to be with those who have lost loved ones during this time.
Guide them so that they might feel the Lord’s hand over their lives. Guard them so that they might remain close to the Lord in every moment. Bless them so that they might move forward and not get stuck in mourning or sadness for the loved ones that they have lost.
Please carry them through this difficult time as You have done for us.
We say this prayer in the Lord’s name.
Prayers for Someone Who Lost a Loved One Now
Hear our voices as we say this prayer for those who have lost their loved ones.
May the Lord be with them to lessen their pain and sadness during this time. May the Lord carry them and keep their faith so that they might make it through this time stronger with the Lord. May they be blessed and find their inner strength through faith, so that they might know to rejoice for the coming of every new day.
Please be with them as You have been with us through time.
In God’s name,
We say this prayer so that we might ask the Lord to be with those who have lost their loved ones in any way.
Please be with them during this difficult time so that they might know they walk with the Lord. Keep the Lord’s faith and love over them, so that they might live each day with gladness for the opportunities that God has granted unto them.
May they rejoice in good memories for their loved ones, and not mourn their passage to the Kingdom of the Lord. May they remember their loved ones for their time lived on Earth, and may the lives they have lived continue to be an inspiration for others who can see Christ’s message lived through them.
We say this prayer in the Lord’s name,
We ask that You are with the ones who have lost their loved ones during this time.
Please keep their faith strong, and walk every step of the way with them so that they might never feel alone. Let them learn to cope through every day, and let every day be more blessed than the last. Let them know that their loved ones are in the Kingdom of the Lord, and that there is no need to be sad but there is time to rejoice in the goodness of the Lord.
We say this prayer in God’s name.
We ask that You hear this prayer to be with those who have lost their loved ones.
Grant them love and mercy so that they might rejoice for every new day and not think about what they might have lost. Give them the wisdom to think back to good memories instead of picturing a future without the ones they love, for we will meet again one day in the Kingdom of the Lord.
As we say this prayer, we ask the Lord to be with us and them in His infinite love.
![Prayers for Someone Who Lost a Loved One](
Please hear us as we say this prayer for lost loved ones who have moved on to the Kingdom of God.
We pray that we might live fulfilled lives on Earth so that we can one day join them in the Lord’s place. We pray that the Lord helps us to turn sadness into joy, and mourning into a reason to rejoice because we know that God is good.
We ask that we might always be able to feel the love and presence of our loved ones in this life, even after they have passed on to be with God. May we find comfort and joy in the memories that God has allowed us to make with them in their time on the Earth.
We say this prayer in the Lord’s name,
We say this prayer to ask You to carry those who are going through difficult times, and to be with those who have lost their loved ones.
Let them be strong in their faith and remember good times. Let them be kind in their thoughts and not dwell upon sadness or mourning. Let them make it through the difficult times so that they might find the love of the Lord through this time.
Please protect and guide them so that they might see each day blessed by the Lord.
Prayers for Someone Who Lost a Loved One in Mourning
We come together to say this prayer for anyone who has lost a loved one in mourning.
May the Lord be with them in every moment. May the Lord remind them of His word. May the Lord walk with them, and turn their sadness into joy during this time.
We know that nobody walks alone when they walk their path with the Lord.
Please be with them now, as You have been with us through time.
We say this prayer in God’s name,
Please hear us as we say this prayer for anyone who has lost their loved ones.
Let them know that their loved ones are now with the Lord. Let them experience the faith and love of the Lord in their every day and not lose their faith. Let them remember their loved ones for the joy that they shared in this lifetime, and may there be glory to the Lord for the opportunity to share our lives with others.
We say this prayer in the Lord’s name,
Please hear this prayer as we pray for those who have lost their loved ones.
We ask that God showers them with love and blessings during this time, so that they might wake up to each day better than the last. We ask that the Lord protects them, so that they might approach the following time with love and joy in the Lord’s name.
May they rejoice in the memories they shared, and not mourn for the ones they have lost. May they one day reunite with their loved ones in the Kingdom of the Lord our God.
We say this prayer in the Lord’s name,
We come together to say this prayer for everyone who has lost their loved ones during mourning.
We say this prayer so that God might give them love and strength, so that they might never feel alone or abandoned during their time of mourning.
We ask that the Lord God is there to walk every step of the way with them and that they might never feel alone. We ask that the Lord God reminds them of the good memories they shared, and not of the loss they might experience with it when they are gone. We ask that their loved ones make it to the Kingdom of the Lord so that we might all see one another again.
We say this prayer the Lord’s name,
Be with those who have lost their loved ones during this time.
Please be there to remind them of the love and mercy of the Lord. Guide, guard and love them so that they might feel God’s love present in their every day.
In God’s name we pray.