10 Prayers Asking for Good News

Good news and prayer goes hand-in-hand with one another. We pray for the times when we want to receive good news, but we also pray for thanks when we have just heard about good things happening.

Prayers for Good News

Prayer can be for ourselves, but also for the good wishes of others.

If you are worried about something (or someone) and wish for a positive outcome, there is no better way to put minds at ease than to pray about it. In fact, the Bible encourages us to bring our concerns to the Lord through prayer.

Do you have a need to pray for (or about) good news?

Here’s how to pray fod good news, pray about good news and give thanks for good news through prayer.

Prayers Asking for Good News

“Dear God,

Please be with us in this moment as we pray.

With this prayer, we ask for a positive outcome to the present situation. We pray that our wishes and good faith might carry us though.

Let there be no uncertainty or questions about what might happen in the future. Give us strength to see this situation through as we ask for good news.

We know that all things a are possible through prayer, and we bring our questions and needs in front of the Lord.

We thank You for being with us in this time.


“Dear God,

Please be with us in this moment as we open our hearts and minds in prayer. We come together to pray for good news in the name of the Lord.

All things are possible through Christ. We ask the Lord to hear our wishes and thoughts, and to help us find the good news that we are looking for.

We ask that the outcome is positive and prosperous in the name of God. We ask for good news in the name of the Lord!

We rejoice in what we have been granted,

Through the Lord of Lords, we shall never want, but shall thank for what we are given. Thank you Lord, for our past gifts and future blessings.


“Dear God,

We come together in the name of the Lord to ask for positivity, prosperity and good news ahead. Please help us to find the good things we are looking for with the help of Your hand, and bless us with better news.

Our future is never uncertain in the name of the Lord! No obstacle in our lives can compare with the power of the Lord.

Please be with us as we face the things we cannot predict. As we wait for good news, we do it in faith that the Lord will grant us what we need.

The Bible tells us that we shall not want, and we put our concerns before God.

May good news flourish!

We ask this in Your name.


Prayers for Future Good News

“Dear Lord of Lords,

We come together as faithful in Christ to open our hearts and minds in earnest prayer.

We ask for prosperous and positive good news, while we are faced with an uncertain situation or unknown outcome. Please be with us during this time, and make us stronger in our faith. Through God, all good things are possible.

When we face uncertain situations like right now, we unpack our thoughts and concerns out in front of the Lord.

Please be with us as we ask for good news through difficult times, and strength in our faith so that we can make it through.

We ask this in the Lord’s name,


“Dear Lord,

We come together in this moment to pray for good news and abundant blessings in the Lord’s name.

Please be with us as we prepare to face our own situations. Please grant us the strength and faith to make it through our questions and uncertainties, as all things are possible with the help of the Lord.

Please be with our media, journalists and news teams. We pray that they are given strength, wisdom and faith to do their jobs in line with the Lord’s plan. We pray for true, faithful and honest reporting in all news.

Be with anyone who works in the news industry, and hold Your kind hand over theirs as they face things they might fear.

We ask this in the Lord’s name.


“Dear God,

We open our hearts and minds to pray for good news, and to ask for future good news in the name of the Lord.

Great things come to those who believe, and we put all our faith in the Lord for the present and future situation. May good news flourish in God’s name, and may we rejoice for a positive outcome on the way.

Guide the situation, and help us to see the good news that we seek.

Be with us as we make it through, and strengthen us in our belief and faith. Be with others as they might have to make it through similar situations, and bring them closer to Your word.

We rejoice for the good news ahead, as we ask this in the name of the Lord.


Prayers for Good News

Prayers for Thanks

“Dear Lord,

We come together as faithful in the name of the Lord, and we open our hearts and minds in prayer to give thanks for the blessings we have received.

When we pray, we do more than just ask. We would like to give thanks for the abundant blessings which we have received through the help and mercy of the Lord.

We thank You, Dear God, for the good news we have received.
All things are possible through the Lord.

We pray that You remain with us in future issues of faith. We shall rejoice in the blessings that You have given us, and live a life to glorify Your word!


“Dear God,

We come together in the name of the Lord to give thanks.

We pray to ask, but we also pray for thanksgiving.

Thank you for the abundant blessings that we have received. Thank you for the good news that we have heard. Thank you for always being there for us when we have needed it most.

May we know that we shall never want through our faith in the Lord is strong. May we be able to share our strength and abundance with others who might need it, as it is the way of the Lord.

Be with us as we give thanks, and ask blessings in abundance for our lives lived with the Lord.


“Dear God,

Thank you for the blessings and good news that we have received.

In Christ’s name, may our lives continue to be blessed and prosperous in the name of the Lord.

As we face life’s challenges and strife, may we always walk together with the Lord.

Keep our faith strong, and keep our hearts pure. Allow us to show others that the Lord’s way is one of happiness, abundance and blessing.

We ask this in the Lord’s name.


A Prayer for Others

“Dear God,

We come together as faithful children of the Lord.

Please bestow your blessings upon others. When we see someone going through a difficult time (or waiting to hear good news), we pray that the Lord can hold His hand over them – as He has done for us so many times before in our own lives.

Be with others who are in need of a helping hand or a leap of faith.

Bring them good news, and bless their lives so they can find Your way.

We ask this in the Lord’s name, and we give thanks.


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