Weeds are tobacco products, also known as “marijuana,” which are the psychoactive dried resinous flower buds and leaves of the female hemp or cannabis plant that contain high levels of THC and are smoked, vaped, or ingested (as in baked goods) especially for their intoxicating effect.
Although most people claim to use it for medicinal purposes, weeds have proven to be more addictive and destructive to the human body than it is helpful.
Today, we will look into God’s word, the highest authority for our living, to see God’s stance on this very important subject.
Note: Bible quotations are from the NIV, unless otherwise indicated
What Does The Bible Say About Smoking Weed?
Smoking is not specifically mentioned in the Bible, and there is no definitive answer from the scriptures as to whether to use marijuana or not.
With that said, we should note however that, although the Bible does not specifically mention this, it does contain principles that are relative and applicable to the subject. Thus, we can have a guiding light to know the mind of God and maintain our stance within the borders of righteousness before God.
When people smoke weed they get intoxicated, that is, they get “high.” This occurs when it enters the bloodstream. When people are high, judgment might be impaired, and rationality goes out the window temporarily, aside from other effects this may have.
God’s word does condemn anything that falls into the same category in effect as wine, or strong drink, which is addictive, impairs clear thinking, clouds judgment, and affects reaction time.
The Bible also makes reference to the ancient practice of adding herbs (or drugs) to wine to boost its intoxicating effect. The use of intoxicants is also closely associated with witchcraft and/or sorcery in the Bible.
The Greek word “Pharmakeia,” which is translated as “sorcery,” means, “to administer drugs.”
“Drugs,” in the context in which the Bible uses it will help us determine the meaning. For instance, in those days (Biblical age), non-Christians or pagans practiced the use of drugs to induce states of consciousness, during which they supposedly commune with their gods. The Bible strongly condemned the use of such drugs because they lowered inhibitions and self-control.
What Does The Bible Say About Smoking Weed KJV?
Here are a few verses from the KJV on the subject of smoking weed.
Did Anyone Smoke Weed In The Bible?
There is nowhere in the Holy Bible where we can find a character who smoked weed. Although, it mentions the practice of using “drugs” to induce states of consciousness (as mentioned above), no individual character is mentioned as using it throughout the Bible.

Is Smoking Weed A Sin In The Bible?
Directly speaking, yes, smoking weed is a sin, not because the Bible specifically states this, but because it follows the principles that qualify it to be called sin.
Here are the Biblical principles, and why smoking weed is a sin:
- Weed is considered illegal by most government authorities, and so smoking it is breaking the Law
- Smoking weed is addictive and controlling
- Smoking weed is more destructive than beneficial: it does not add to you as much as it takes from you
- It does not only put me in danger, it also directly or indirectly affects everyone around me
- It does not glorify God
- It destroys my body
Would you look at all the above-stated principles and not call it a sin before God? Surely, not.
We also know that smoking weed is something the world promotes which is a direct indication that it is not of God. The world promotes things that do not glorify God, especially things that are destructive to us.
Bible Verses About Weed Smoking
Find below a few more Bible verses which although do not mention smoking, talks about the principles that surround practices with similar effect: