Magic, according to Wikipedia, is the application of beliefs, rituals or actions employed in the belief that they can manipulate natural or supernatural beings and forces.
In modern occultism and Neopagan religions, many self-described magicians and witches regularly practice ritual magic; defining magic as a technique for bringing about change in the physical world through the force of one’s will. Since that time, other religions (e.g. Wicca and LaVeyan Satanism) and magical systems have adopted it.
Today, magic is portrayed through entertainment shows, movies and music, but the word of God remains constant: No true Christian should practice it.
What Does The Bible Say About Magic?
All through the Bible, God is clear on the subject of magic. In fact, magic is one of the subjects or practices that God deals with explicitly.
From Biblical records, we discover that the practice of magic dates back to ancient times; ever since, it has evolved, delving deeper into more and more darker manifestations.
However, from the very same beginning, God outrightly condemns and judges any believer who practiced and/or supported the practice of magic.
The Bible associates magic, witchcraft, sorcery, and all other such related practices as one. In the Law of Moses, no one who practiced these should live. The punishment was death, both for the one who practiced and the one consulting.
What Does The Bible Say About Magic KJV?
Here are a few verses from the KJV that says a thing or two about magic:
(Note: All scripture quotations are from the NIV unless otherwise stated)
Biblical Definition Of Magic
Every biblical definition finds its root in God. Therefore, let us understand that our definition of things must be subject to the way the Bible defines them. This way, we show that we are subject to the principles and the constitution of the Kingdom of God found therein.
Although we do not find a specific definition of magic from the Bible, based on everything we read however, the following pointers help us have a biblical view on what magic is:
- Manipulates through illusions, sleight of hands, false philosophy or show of power
- Has its power source from satan or demons
- Leads people to idolatry and/or occultism
- Aims to deceive people through signs and wonders and turn their hearts from God
What Does The Bible Say About Magicians?
The Bible is explicit about magic and magicians. In some portions of scripture, they are called sorcerers, deceivers, false prophets, men and women who consulted with devils, etc.
Find below three specific things that the Bible says about magicians which sums up every other thing we will see from God’s word regarding them:
- It shows us what they do
- It warns God’s people not to associate with them.
- It reveals their eternal end
Examples/Stories Of Magicians In The Bible
Here are some examples or stories of some magicians in the Bible:
- Moses Versus Pharaoh’s Magicians (Exodus 7:10-22, 8:1-20)
- Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, and the magicians of Babylon (Daniel 2)
- Simon the sorcerer of Samaria (Acts 8:9-13)
- Elymas, the sorcerer versus Paul, the Apostle (Acts 13:6-12)