The bible has many references to lying and why God hates liars. It is unfortunate that most people say they lie as a way of protecting themselves, avoiding hurting others, or a way to get out of trouble. No matter the reason, the bible is clear on how it perceives liars.
In the book of proverbs, the bible sums up the things that the LORD hates, and two of the things are about lying. Let’s look at the verses for more clarity.
Notice the two things God despises involve lying. Remember, it is impossible for God to lie (Hebrews 6:18) and He forbids us to lie. Lying is contrary to his nature, therefore, when we lie; we are going against His nature and letting the Devil rule over our lives. (John 8:44)
What Does the Bible Say About Liars KJV?
There are a lot of bible verses that give a clear picture of what God thinks of liars and the consequences of lying. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, we are able to understand what is expected of us when it comes to lying and how it affects our relationship with God.
Here are some bible verses about liars in KJV
Biblical Definition of a Liar
In the King James Version (KJV) Dictionary, a liar is a person who knowingly utters falsehood- meaning he/she declares something to be fact yet it’s not the truth, and this is all with an intention of deceiving another person.
Examples of Liars in the Bible
There are many liars in the bible. Some lied out of fear; others lied with the intention of deceiving, while some lied to cover up another sin. Here are some examples of liars in the bible.
- Abraham: Although known as the Father of Faith, Abraham at one point lied to the Egyptians about Sarah not being his wife since he was afraid they would kill him. (Genesis 12:11-13)
- Ananias and Sapphire: They were a married couple who sold a piece of land, kept back part of the money for themselves while the rest they took to the apostle’s feet and lied about giving the whole amount. Sadly, their dishonest deed ended in their death. ( Acts 5:1-11)
- Cain: After killing his brother Abel, the Lord asked Cain where his brother was and he lied that he did not. The lie was to cover up what he has done. (Genesis 4:9)
- Peter: After Jesus was arrested, some people recognized him as one of Jesus’s disciples. However, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times. ((Mathew26: 71-74)
- Jazabel: When Naboth refused to sell his vineyard to King Ahab, Jezebel his wife plotted an evil plan against Naboth that falsely accused him of cursing both God and the king. He was stoned to death. (1 kings 21:1:16)
What Does the Bible Say About Dealing with a Liar?
It is not easy to forgive someone who has lied to us and it might seem natural to hold a grudge against the liar. However, the Bible encourages us to forgive others just like how we have been forgiven too.
In these scriptures, we are reminded how to deal with a liar keeping in mind we have also lied too.
Lying is a sin like any other and just like we ask God to forgive us when we sin, we are supposed to forgive those who lie to us too.

What Does the Bible Say About Calling Someone a Liar?
Calling people liars can plant the seed of doubt about those accused in the minds of all who hear it. Not only that, but it can also tarnish their reputation. The bible is straight forwards on how to deal with people who give false witnesses which means calling someone a liar and yet you know they are saying the truth is a sin.
On the other hand, if you are sure that someone is a liar; the bible encourages us to try to help them repent by talking to them. If they refuse to listen to you, then involve other parties of the church to help them repent and change their ways.
Punishment for Liars in the Bible
The bible is very clear on the kind of punishment liars will receive. Therefore, we should be very careful about what comes out of our mouths. Lying is one of the sins that people tend to think of as not a big deal, unfortunately, there are consequences when we lie, and here are a few passages in the bible that warns us of how the bible deals with liars.
(Note that: All scripture references are from the NIV except otherwise stated)
In the above scriptures, liars are being forbidden to stand before the Lord or even go into His house. What’s more, false witnesses will be punished too for lying.
By our words, we will be acquitted or condemned (Mathew 12:36-37). This means we should be very careful when it comes to lying to others or giving false testimonies about other people.
But wait a minute, what does Revelation say about liars?
We all know that all sin is sin, but it is unbelievable that all liars are grouped with murderers and sorcerers on the list of those bound in the lake of fire. Therefore, to avoid being thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur, Christians are required to stop engaging in all kinds of lies.
Does God Forgive Liars
Yes, God does forgive liars but only if you accept you have fallen into the sin of lying, confess your sins and turn away from lying.
As you can see from the bible passages, God does forgive liars but you have to ask for forgiveness and decide not to lie again. It could be a bit hard to stop instantly if it has become a habit but it’s all about taking the first step of turning away from lying. Lying is a sin and our sins are forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ.
When liars accept God’s forgiveness as a gift and repent, God completely forgives them as if their sins never existed (as far as the east is from the west). Just don’t forget that although God forgives liars, lying has consequences here on earth, and to avoid being in trouble with God and others, we should avoid being liars at all costs.