The concept of chakras stems from ancient eastern religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, and generally refers to energy systems within one’s body. Within the teaching of chakras is the belief that the human body contains seven main energy systems that are interconnected and flow in an upward movement.
The idea is that to maintain ultimate health and well-being, one should use meditation, yoga, or crystals to ensure that the chakras are not blocked and positive energy can flow throughout the body. It is believed that if the chakras are blocked, emotional and physical decline is inevitable.
Although chakra thought has historical evidence of Indian origin that predates the birth of Christ by at least 500 years, there is no mention of chakras in the Bible.
What Does the Bible Say About Chakras (KJV)?
Although there is no mention of chakras in the Bible, there are some verses that Christians should consider to be of utmost importance when regarding chakras.
Christians should not dabble in the spiritualism of other religions. What has the appearance of godliness but denies the power of God is not of God (2 Timothy 3:5). While some spiritualities may appear similar to Christian Spirituality in some ways, Christians are told to test the spirits to see if they are from God (1 John 4:1), recognizing that demonic activity and teaching can seem similar to the work of God and biblical teaching (1 Corinthians 10:20-21; 1 Timothy 4:1; Acts 8:9-11).
Meditation is an acceptable practice for Christians when setting our minds on God and his works. The psalmists speak often about meditating on the law of God and the works of God, which display God’s goodness and holiness. The Bible never endorses meditating on spiritualities unassociated with the revelation of the God of the Bible.
If the ultimate result of practicing chakras or meditating is not turning one’s heart toward Christ, it should not be practiced. Moreover, if any spirituality denies the teaching of Scripture concerning Jesus—the incarnation of the eternal Son of God taking on human flesh, the supremacy of Christ over all powers, etc.—then it is actually opposed to biblical teaching.
Some claim that chakras and other forms of mysticism or spirituality are one and the same with biblical spirituality. However, we should be on guard against false teachers and teaching that disguises itself as Christian but is not focused on the grace and truth found only in the Bible. What may appear to bring about positive results could still be demonic activity.
While meditation and deep breathing is linked with improved health and overall wellness, it is God who has the authority to heal every type of problem. It is sinful and dangerous to believe ourselves more capable than God to bring about ultimate healing.
Paul’s principle of conscience may be applied more generally. If a Christian is able to meditate on Scripture with the intention of rejuvenating the mind and body (otherwise known as moving energies or chakras) without a bothered conscience, it may not be regarded as sinful practice.
What Does the Bible Say About the Holy Spirit and Chakras?
While there are some Christians who practice yoga, meditate on things that are glorifying to God and believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to energize and restore our bodies, that is not always the case.
Rooted in Hinduism, many practice a type of meditation where they focus on opening each chakra from the bottom to the top. They believe that there is a strong spiritual energy called kundalini (Hindu goddess whose name means something like “coiled snake”) that lives at the base (or root) chakra. This kundalini uncoils and travels upwards to the chakras in the brain, leading to a strong spiritual experience.
Many equate the spirit of kundalini to the Holy Spirit, but this is not biblical. In fact, the Bible does not mention chakras or kundalini, nor are the works of the Holy Spirit ever aligned with the works of the kundalini. Quite to the contrary, the Bible describes the person and work of the Holy Spirit in a way that differs significantly from kundalini.
- The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, drawing us to repentance, freeing us from sin and guilt by grace.
- The kundalini frees from guilt through tantric meditation.
- The Holy Spirit sets our hearts and minds on the love of God, on Christ and His goodness, drawing us out of self focus.
- The kundalini encourages inward focus on self with no goal of closeness with the God who reveals himself in Scripture, in the person and work of Christ.
- The Holy Spirit reveals to us our weakness and need for dependence on the only one who can sustain us, God, moving us to confess Jesus as Lord (1 Corinthians 12:3).
- The kundalini seeks to reveal our inward strength and empowers us to live holy and awakened lives, even without help from God.
The 7 Chakras in Bible
Indian mysticism belief claims that there are seven main chakras (wheels of energy) that circulate energy throughout the body. These seven main sources are located near the body’s major endocrine glands: pituitary, pineal, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, ovaries/testes, and adrenal.
The Bible does not mention the seven chakras, nor does it mention the body’s main energy sources or bodily glands.
The Bible is clear, however, that human beings are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and were created to commune with God through the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). One major difference between biblical and yogic spirituality is the means by which human beings are able to know and experience God. The Bible teaches that we can know and experience God through his word, confirmed by the testimony of the Spirit within us, not through yoga or other meditative practices that center on the seven chakras (Romans 10:17; 1 Corinthians 2:9–10; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Ephesians 1:17–18).
Does the Bible Warn Against Chakras?
The Bible does not specifically mention chakras, but it does make warnings against any spiritual practice that is not of God.
The Bible teaches that there is only one God who reigns over all (1 Corinthians 8:4-6). At its core, yogic spirituality is directly linked with gods and god-like energies from Hinduism. While it is possible for aspects of the yogic practice to be redeemed, the core teaching of yogic spirituality must be acknowledged to be both different and opposed to the clear teaching of the Bible.
Jesus warns his followers of false teaching and false saviors (Mark 13:22), and false forms of revelation (John 14:7-9). The revelation of God in the Bible, seen most clearly in the person and work of Christ, is the only way to know God and experience God (2 Corinthians 4:6; 10:5l), which is given to us by the Holy Spirit and not through the practice of other spiritualities (Ephesians 1:17).