Prayer is not just so we can thank and rejoice, but sometimes also so that we can remember and think back to good memories of people who have passed away.
Here are prayers for the dead, including prayers for the dead in memoriam and prayers for the dead’s rememberance.
Prayers for the Dead
Please hear us as we say a prayer for the people who have passed from this life to be with the Lord.
Let us find comfort in our time of mourning through good memories of them and through our faith in the Lord. Let us never be sad for the loss of their life in the here and now, but rejoice for we know that they are to be with God. Let us one day reunite in the Kingdom of Heaven as the Bible tells us it will be so.
Hear us as we pray for the deceased and those who have passed on to the next life with God.
We pray that you keep the good memories we have safe in our hearts and minds, and we pray that we might always rejoice in the Lord for His guidance and mercy.
We pray that we might once again reunite in the Kingdom of God as fellows in faith.
We pray that we can always feel their presence, and we pray that we might always feel the Lord closeby.
Prayers for the Dead in Memoriam
Join us as we say this prayer for the dead in memoriam.
Let us remember them as they were during life, and not get stuck in mourning for the fact that they have passed on. Let us keep their memories close and safe, so that we might always be able to rejoice for the good life they have lived. Let us see them again one day in the Kingdom of the Lord as we continue to pray to the Lord our God each day.
We thank you for the memories You have given us,
We thank you for our timeh ere on Earth,
In the Lord’s name,
We pray for the dead and those who have passed on in our lives.
Please may the Lord keep their memory in our minds, and teach us how to rejoice for the good life they learned to live in God’s light. Let us be thankful for the times we shared, and let us be thankful for every day we are allowed to live out our time on this Earth.
We pray that we remember them and the good times, and that they forever live on in the way others think back to them
Now is the time to rejoice for the Lord God is good,
Prayers for the Dead’s Rememberance
We pray to God that we might take this moment to remember those who have passed on.
We are thankful for our each and every moment, and the memories that we have been allowed to share with others. We thank the Lord for our each and every day, and the lives He has brought into our own that we have been touched by.
We pray that we might always remember them, and we pray that we might see them again one day in the Kingdom of the Lord.
In the Lord’s name we pray,
We say this prayer to remember those who have passed on, and the people who are no longer with us on Earth but spending their time with the Lord.
May we always remember the wonderful impact that they had on each day, and may we always remember the way they looked at faith with each and every day. May we (and others) always see their life’s example as one of kindness and faith, and may we remember the good memories in the time after they have passed.
We thank the Lord for the gift of each and every day.
We thank the Lord for blessing our lives with other people as wonderful as they.
We thank the Lord for the opportunity to live out our lives on Earth,
Prayers for the Dead’s Safe Passage
Please hear our voices asl we come together to pray for the safe passage of those who hare recently passed.
May they find their way to the Kingdom of the Lord, and may they find eternal peace and rest. May they never want, but now be with the Lord our God, and may we one day see one another again in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Let our sadness turn to joy, and let us rejoice for the times that God has given us together.
Let our mourning turn to gladness, for the opportunities that God has shown us through their lives.
We pray for them in the name of the Lord,
We pray for the safe and thoughtful passing of those who have recently moved on to the next life with the Lord.
May their journey be safe and filled with light, and may they find the Kingdom of God. May their lives always be an example of goodness and faith, and may our sadness turn into joy for we are glad that they are with the Lord now.
We thank the Lord our God for each and every moment,
We give thanks for the lives that we are given the time to live,
In the Lord’s name we pray,
Prayers for the Dead’s Memory
We say this prayer for the dead’s memory as we think of them and pray to the Lord.
May our last happy memories of their lives forever live forth in our hearts and our minds. May we never forget the times we shared together, but let us rejoice for each opportunity to live a day with Christ is good. May we one day see them once more in the house of the Lord.
We pray for them in God’s name,
Please hear us as we pray to remember those who have passed on to a life with the Lord.
Let us remember them as they were, and let us rejoice for the times that we were given the chance to share. May the Lord help us to turn our grieving into learning, and our sadness into joy. Let their lives always remain an example for others of goodness and faithfulness, for the Lord God is good.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,

Prayers for the Dead at Funerals
Please hear our voices as we pray for the recently passed on.
May they find their way to the Lord, and may we find solace in the Lord’s message. May we be comforted in God’s plan, and may we have the wisdom to know that they are with the Lord our God.
Let us live each day with kindenss and love, and let us rejoice for the fact that our lives were allowed to weave together in this way.
Let us be forever grateful for the life they lived, for they lived their way with the Lord.
We pray for them in the Lord’s name,
We open our hearts and minds in prayer for those who have passed on.
We ask that they find their way to the Kingdom of the Lord, and that we might live each day thinking back to their good memories and wonderful daily example of faith.
Let us recjoice for their lives, and never be sad for their passing on to the place of the Lord.
Let us rejoice in each day we are given, and remember in which good ways they have impacted our lives.
Let us make the most of every day, for the Lord is our God,
We pray for them in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for the Dead & Deceased
We say this prayer for the dead and deceased, and we ask that You hear our voices together as we think back to our good memories of them.
May we always remember them for the good times, and may we rejoice for the memories we were allowed to share. May we live out each day of our own lives as an example, and be glad for the time we have had. May we always find comfort in the Lord, and know that they are now with God until we meet again.
We say this prayer in God’s name,
We say this prayer for the recently passed on, and we know that they are now with the Lord our God.
Let we remember the good memories, and let we always remember that they were a good example of faith in the Lord. Let us think back with joy, and never become sad for they have seen the Kingdom of God. Let we put our faith in God, so that we are happy and never sad about those who have moved to the Lord.
We ask this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for the Dead Beloved
We say this prayer so that the Lord might carry it to our beloved who has passed on to be with the Lord.
May we always remember them for the good memories, and may we always be able to feel their presence and their live. May we always rejoice in the Lord, for we know that they are with God. May we always turn our sadness to joy, and live each day with faith and love for the Lord in our lives.
We say this prayer in the Lord’s name,
Please hear us as we say this prayer for our deceased beloved.
Let us rejoice, for we know that they are in a better place and with the Lord our God. Let us rejoice, for we will forever have our memories shared to look back on. Let us be glad, so that we might become a good example that passes on their memory and example of faith in the Lord.
We pray for this in God’s name,
Prayers for the Dead After Life
We say this prayer for the dead in the period after life, so that they might be led to the Kingdom of God.
May their journey be without difficulty, and may we never get stuck in mourning but rejoice in good memories and the Lord’s love. May they find their way, and may we never stray off the Lord’s plan for our lives.
We pray for their lives in the after life, so that we might remember them through our faith in God,
We pray for this in God’s name,
Please hear our prayer as we ask You to be with those who have passed on to the Lord’s Kingdom.
May we always remember their lives as agood way to keep our faith, and may we see them again one day through our faith in the Lord. May we remember them as they were, and may we be filled with joy at their memory and never mourning or sadness.
We say this prayer in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for the Dead in Passage
We say this prayer for the ones who have passed on to be with God.
Please may their find their way to the Kingdom of the Lord, and may we always be able to feel their presence and the Lord’s love.
Please may we be filled with joy instead of sadness, and know that they are to be with the Lord.
We say this prayer in the name of God,