When we travel, our guarantee of a safe trip should not only lie in the hands of the driver, or in the state of the machine. These are all capable of failing us.
People lose their lives or sustain injuries from different accidents all year round. Also not to mention other things like missed flights, lost possessions, among other things. Thus, we are constantly in need of divine preservation when we embark on any trip.
We can however find rest in knowing that we have committed ourselves into the hand of God, and will be kept safe in our travels.
Prayers And Blessings For Safe Travels
Dearest Lord, I lift up my trip into your hands and ask for your blessings today. I choose to receive your peace that overshadows every fear or anxiety because I know that you are with me to direct me and protect me. May this journey open me up to newer possibilities and favors in my faith and other areas of my life. Help me to see and appreciate the beauty of your creation even more from this trip, in Jesus name, Amen”
Prayer For Traveling Safely On The Road
I commit my trip into your hands now, oh Lord. Watch over me on this trip. I receive strength and the sound mind needed to drive and arrive safely. I receive angelic ministration to clear up the highway for my sake before me. I reject accidents or evil encounters on the highway. Let the Blood of Jesus that speaks better things speak for my safety on this trip, and cause me to return safely again, in Jesus name, Amen.”
Lord, as we travel today, I thank you again because you will go with us. And because you will be with us, there will not be any issues on this journey. There will not be mechanical issues or failures, or carelessness on my part or the part of other road users. Keep me far from all evil ambush on this trip, and give me a discerning heart to know what I should do along the way even when things are not going the way I planned.
Thank you for the angels going before and behind us on this trip when we arrive and when we return. Lord, it will be a great trip, and I can’t wait to enjoy it as one of your blessings to me, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
Prayer For Safe Flight
I declare that there will not be confusion or loss on this flight. I pray that the weather will be conducive to take off and to land safely, and I pray that all precautions that will keep us safe will be taken; and we shall be kept from dangers when we leave and when we return, in Jesus name, Amen.”
Prayer For Safe Travel And Protection
Lord, as I (we) embark on this journey, be my (our) protector and guide. Give your angels charge over me (us) to keep me (us) from accidents and harm. Let this journey be refreshing and not frustrating. Give me (us) the grace when tiredness sets in. Let kindness and patience fill me (us) up in the face of troubles or frustrations. May I (we) reach our destinations safely, and return safely, in Jesus name, Amen.”
Prayer For Safe Travel For A Loved One
Thank You Prayer For Safe Travel
Thanking for yourself
Thanking for a loved one
Catholic Prayer For Safe Travel
(Remember to make the sign of the Cross in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and then proceed to make the prayers)

Bible Prayer For Safe Travel
Praying from the Bible is a great way to pray because we take God’s promises with us reminding Him of them, and encouraging ourselves with them for peace as we go out and come in.
Here is short Bible prayers for safe travels that you can use for yourself, or send to a loved one.
He is my stronghold, my Refuge and my Savior— from violent people you save me.” 2Samuel 22:3
Or You Could Say Them All As One Prayer:
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.
Father, please keep me from all harm— watch over my life; watch over my coming and going both now and forevermore, just as you have promised.
“The Lord bless me and keep me; the Lord make his face shine on me and be gracious to me; the Lord turn his face toward me and give me peace.”’
I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Surely, he will save me from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover me with his feathers, and under his wings I will find refuge; his faithfulness will be my shield and rampart. I will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, but it will not come near me. I will only observe with my eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. Because I say, “The LORD is my refuge,” and I have made the Most High my dwelling, no harm will overtake me, no disaster will come near my tent. For he will command his angels concerning me to guard me in all my ways; they will lift me up in their hands, so that I will not strike my foot against a stone.
Then I will go on my way in safety, and my foot will not stumble. When I lie down, I will not be afraid; when I lie down, my sleep will be sweet.
All these I pray, in Jesus name, Amen.” 2Samuel 22:3, 2Samuel 22:20, Psalms 32:7, Psalms 121:7-8, Numbers 6:24-26, Psalms 91:2-12, Proverbs 3:23-24