One of the most important reasons is for protection from evil, which can come in many different shapes and forms. Sin, temptation and the urge we have to act out of malice or anger are all varied types of evil that can come into our lives.
When we pray for protection against evil, we have faith that the Lord is stronger than any obstacle we might encounter. We ask the Lord for His hand over our lives, thoughts and actions so that we might make choices in accordance with His way.
Here are the best prayers for protection from evil, including prayers for protection from evil and danger, prayers from protection from evil and anger and prayers for protection from evil thoughts or actions.
Prayers for Protection from Evil
We say this prayer for protection from evil so that You might be there for us during our times of need.
Please keep Your hand over us so that we might never come to harm. Please keep Your protective shield over our lives so that we might never be touched by sin or temptation, even when those around us have caved in already. Please may we be protected from all evil thoughts, influences and forces in the name of the Lord.
We pray for this in the Lord’s name,
We say this prayer for protection from evil, and we ask that the Lord be there to hear us in our time of need.
Please dispel all evil forces and influences from our lives. Please render our faith and belief strong, so that we might never be taken away from the way of the Lord. Please remove all obstacles in our path, so that we might rejoice for our strength in the Lord’s name.
We trust in the Almighty power of the Lord, and in the Lord’s name we pray,
Prayers for Protection from Evil and Danger
We say this prayer so that the Lord might hear us and protect us from evil and danger in our path.
May no bad or evil influence ever touch upon our lives. May we have the Lord’s wisdom and kindness on our side for any temptation or sin that we might encounter. May we know to follow the way of the Lord, even in days where we might be tempted away from our faith.
We ask for guidance, so that we might always know what to do when we have questions or important issues of faith,
Please may the Lord protect us now and always,
We pray for this in the Lord’s name,
We pray for the Lord’s protection over our lives so that we might be strong.
Please keep Your divine hand of protection over our lives now and every day. Please protect us from any evil influences, thoughts or powers that might try to lead us away from our faith. Please hear our voices as we pray to the Lord, and trust that the Lord is stronger than any issue or obstacle that we might encounter.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Protection from Evil and Anger
We pray so that the Lord hears our voices and prayers, and we ask the Lord to protect us from evil and any evil forces during this time.
May no obstacle ever stand in the way of our faith, and may the Lord provide us the strength and kindness to know how to handle these obstacles when they appear. May the Lord make sure that no temptation or evil is ever stronger than our belief in the Lord.
We ask that the Lord protects us from harm, and delivers us from evil forces always.
We pray for this in the Lord’s name,
We ask that You might hear this prayer and come to our aid when we are in need.
Please walk with us so that we might never walk the path of life alone. Please guard our minds and thoughts so that we might be kept far away from any temptation or sin that might strike our faith. Please guide others so that they might not bring us into harm, temptation or sin through their own actions.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Protection from Evil Thoughts & Actions
We ask that You be there to protect us against our own evil thoughts and actions.
May the Lord take charge of our thoughts and emotions, so that we might always keep them in line with the Lord. May the Lord take charge of others around us, so that they might never lead us away from our faith. May we always live our lives as an example of how glorious the Lord’s word can be on Earth.
May we always remain protected by the Lord’s word and God’s love for us,
In the Lord’s name we pray,
We say this prayer so that You might protect us against all evil forces, influences and things that might bring us into harm.
Please guide our thoughts and actions so that we might always act and think out of mercy and kindness. Show us the Lord’s way, so that we never follow anyone else on our path. Teach us to live like Christ’s example, so that we never come to harm or evil thoughts in our lives.
We pray for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Protection
Please hear our voices as we pray for Your protection.
Guard us so that we might never come to harm. Hear us so that we might always find the Lord’s voice. Protect us so that we might always walk our way with the Lord.
Show us mercy and kindness, and teach us how to live out Christ’s example on Earth.
May we never be touched by any evil force or influence that might affect our lives.
May we always be shown faith and mercy, love and kindness in the name of the Lord.
We pray for this in God’s name,
We say this prayer for our protection in the Lord’s name.
May God protect us from sin and temptation, and from evil and harm. May God keep us safe when we want or wonder, and lead us when we do not know which route to take. May we always be strong in our minds, hearts and our faith so that we can live out an example that brings glory to the Lord.
We ask for this in God’s name,
Prayers for Protection from Evil
We say this prayer so that You might protect us from evil.
Please protect us from evil actions and thoughts, so that we might always live out the example of the Lord. Please protect us from the harm that others might see for us, so that we might remain protected and strong in our faith. Please hear our voices, so that we might always be strong and protected in our faith and belief for the Lord.
God is stronger than any obstacle, and we believe in the Lord our God.
We say this prayer in the Lord’s name,
We say this prayer so that You might protect us from harm and always keep us sound in our love for the Lord.
Please keep us safe from harm and evil forces. May nothing harmful ever touch us when we are with the Lord. May no temptations and evil make its home in our life, but may we know to look to the Kingdom of the Lord.
We ask that the Lord our God keep us safe, as He has done each and every day before.
We pray for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Protection from Evil Thoughts
We say this prayer to ask You to protect us from evil thoughts.
Please guard our thoughts and minds so that our every thought is one that brings glory to the Lord. Please be with us so that we always know what is right from wrong in the name of the Lord. Please guide us so that we always know which route to take to remain close to the Lord.
We ask for this in God’s name,
We say this prayer in the name of the Lord our God.
Please protect us from harm, and from any evil thoughts that might cross our minds. We ask the Lord to remain with us always, so that our every action and thought becomes something that can bring more glory to the Lord.
May the Lord’s light always be there to shine the way forward, so that we might live a life in line with the Lord.
We pray for this in God’s name, for we know that the Lord our God is good.