17 Powerful Prayers for Moms & Mothers

A mother's love is a very special thing, and it never falters or fails.

Prayers for Mothers

Mothers everywhere are known for their faith, for their strength, and for their unconditional love. We love our mothers, and sometimes this love extends to people who have been like mothers to us with their support and actions.

Although they are known for their strength, mothers everywhere could still use support and kind words themselves.

Here are the best prayers for mothers, whether you would like to ask God to give a mother strength – or just thank Him for blessing you with such a great family.

Prayers to Give Thanks

“Dear Lord,

With this prayer, we give thanks for all the wonderful mothers on Earth.

Mothers are the foundation on which a good life is built. Mothers are a sign of God’s strength, and we are often a sign of our mother’s faith in the Lord.

We ask that the Lord be with all the world’s mothers.

We thank you, Lord, for mothers who have kindness and boundless love for their families.

We thank you, Lord, for mothers who further the faith through good examples.

May they all be blessed with abundance, and may God’s word show them the way to inner strength and faith.

We ask this in the Lord’s name,


“Dear Lord,

We open our hearts and minds in prayer to give thanks for a wonderful mother.

Our mothers are kind, and mothers show us the way. Our mothers are always there in our time of need, and taught us how to find faith in the Lord. Our mothers are filled with inner strength, and our mothers have shown us how to be kind.

We ask the Lord to walk with the world’s mothers as they find their way through difficult times and life’s challenges.

We ask the Lord to keep His hand over the world’s mothers, and to keep them safe, kind and wise.

We ask this in the Lord’s name,


Prayers for a Mother’s Strength

“Dear God,

Be with our mother as she goes through trying or difficult times. Be with our mother as she regains her strength, or finds inner strength through her beliefs and her faith. Be with our mother, as she has been there for us and carry her through anything she might be wrestling with in her own life.

We ask that the Lord keep His hand over our mothers.

Guide them, as they have guided us on our very important path to the Lord. Lead them, so that they can continue to make the best decisions that are in line with the Lord’s path. Help them, so that they never have to feel alone in the light of the Lord.

We ask this in the Lord’s name, for all the world’s devoted and dedicated mothers.


“Dear God,

Please be with us as we pray for our wonderful, dedicated mothers.

A mother’s love is unconditional, and her strength is without question.

We pray that God is there for our mothers in their time of need, just like they have been there for us in times when we needed them themost. We ask that God give our mothers the inner strength they require when they ask for it.

Please be with our mothers, and walk with them to show them a path filled with blessings, light and the love of the Lord.

Please protect the mothers of the world, as they have protected us throughout our lives.

We ask this in the Lord’s name,

Amen ”

Prayers for a Mom’s Faith

“Dear God,

We ask you to be with our mothers in their times of need. We ask the Lord to walk with our mothers, as they find their path through live. Give them strength, give them faith, and give them the knowledge to be able to make wise decisions that are in line with the Lord’s plan for their lives.

Mothers everywhere are a sign of strength and faith, but we know that mothers also might need help themselves. Please protect our mothers as they find their way to faith.

Brighten their path, and enlighten their lives so that they might live closer to the Lord.

We pray the Lord’s protection over our mothers, and ask that He protect our mothers as He protected His own son.

We ask for this in the name of the Lord,


“Dear Lord,

We love our mothers as Christ loved His own.

With this prayer, we ask the Lord to show our mothers the way of faith.

Be with our mothers as they make it through difficult times. Be with our mothers as they have questions about their own faith, or as they face challenges in their own life.

Be with our mothers as You have been there for us.

May the world’s mothers be wise, kind and caring. May the world’s mothers be protected by the everlasting faith of the Lord.

We ask this in the Lord’s name,


Prayers for Mother’s Day

“Dear Lord,

We join our hands in prayer to ask for Your protection over our mothers.

Please show our mothers the kindness that she has taught us to display. Please keep our mothers safe, as they have made sure that we are always safe and in the way of the Lord.

Help our mothers when they lose their faith. Show them the way when they are most in need of direction to find their way back to the Lord.

Bless our mothers with abundance, and may their faith be as strong as they have taught us to be.

We ask for this in the Lord’s name,


“Dear God,

We come together in prayer to ask the Lord’s protection for the beloved and dedicated mothers of the world.

A mother’s love is as neverending as faith in the Lord.

Carry our mothers through as they make it through difficult times. Help them in their time of need. Show them the way back to the Lord when they lose their way off the path.

Let each day be more wonderful than the last, for they have given us the gifts of life and faith.

We ask this in the Lord’s name,


Prayers for Mothers

Prayers for a Mother’s Health

“Dear Lord,

We pray for the Lord’s protection over our beloved mothers.

Please be with our mothers as they regain their strength. Carry them through these difficult times, so that they may be stronger in body, heart and mind for their journey.

We pray for the betterment of their health, and for improvement in their health with each day.

May God’s love shine over them, and may their faith help to carry them through this difficult time.

We ask this in the Lord’s name,


“Dear God,

We pray for the health of our mother during this difficult time.

Please be with her as she goes through this journey of recovery. Be with her through every step of the healing journey, and carry her as you have carried us in our times of need.

Our mother has given us her time and her kindness. We ask that the Lord return the kindness that our mothers have shown to us, and further her recovery process.

Let our faith carry her, and let our prayers carry out mressage to God. We have faith in the healing power of the Lord, and we believe that all things are possible through Christ and His word.

In God’s name we pray,


Prayers for Mother Figures

“Dear God,

Please hear our prayer as we pray for the world’s mother figures, those who have been like mothers to us in our most dire times of need.

Give them strength, so they can go forth and spread their kindness. Give them faith, so they might always live their live close the Lord. Give them abundance, we are grateful for everything they have been there to give us.

May their lives be blessed with abundance and faith.

We ask this in the Lord’s name,


“Our Father,

Please be with our mothers and those who are like mothers to us.

Grant them strength, and repay their kindness with abundance. Keep them in the Lord’s way, and may the Lord’s light shine over them for all they have done for others instead of only for themselves.

We are thankful for everything they have done for us in our lives, and ask the Lord to keep His hand over them.

Always remain with those who make a difference, and lead them to always have strong faith and a kind heart.


More Prayers to Give Thanks

“Dear Lord,

We come together for this prayer not only to ask, but also to give thanks.
Thank you, dear Lord, for the kind and compassionate mothers of the world who put their children before themselves. Thank you, dear Lord, for the mother’s sacrifice and the gift of life.

Be with our mothers as they make their way through life. Carry them through tough times, and let them walk their way with the Lord.

We ask for the Lord’s protection over all the mothers of the world, including our own. We ask that the Lord bestows wisdom and kindness on them, as they have done for us. We ask for the Lord’s protection to be with them for every step of their journey.

We ask this in the Lord’s name,


“Dear God,

We ask for the Lord to bring His divine protection over our mother.

We want to give thanks for everything that she has done with our time, a selfless act from the moment we were born into this world. We want to ask the Lord to carry our mothers, and to keep them as safe as they have managed to keep us.

Please return our mother’s love in kindness, and keep her faith strong in the Lord.

Please walk with our mothers for every step of the way, as You have walked the path wish us.

Please be with them in their times of weakness, and their times of need. All things are possible with the help of the Lord.

We ask for this in the Lord’s name,


Prayers for a Mother’s Love

“Dear God,

We come before the Lord to pray for our mother, and to give thanks for all her sacrifices to make us who we are today. We thank You for the gift of such a wonderful person, and we ask the Lord to be with her always and keep her path strong in Your faith.

A mother’s love is without end, and such is the divine love of God.

May she be shown unconditional Godly love, and may she always walk in the light.

We pray that the Lord’s everlasting protection be with her, as she has been there for us through our most trying times.

We ask for her protection in the Lord’s name,


“Dear God,

Please be with us as we pray for our mothers, and thank the Lord for giving us such a wonderful mother.

Our mother is a wonderful gift from the Lord, and a true sign of how boundless the Lord’s love and faith truly is. We thank you for everything that she has done for us, and we pray that the Lord returns her kindness with a life filled with happiness and abundance.

We are thankful for the sacrifices that they have made, and the life that they have lived just so that we can be here. Let us rejoice, for the Lord’s word is great and His faith is bountiful.

We ask for this in the Lord’s name, and we pray the Lord is kind to them as they have been to us.


“Dear God,

We ask that the Lord cast His protection over our mothers.

Thank you, Dear God, for all the kind things our mothers have done to protect us. Thank you for giving us a wonderful mother to look up to. Thank you that she has shown us the way towards our faith.

We ask the Lord to walk with her, and to bless her life with abundance, kindness and faith.


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