Romans tells us that we do not owe anyone anything, except to love one another.
Love is one of the most important aspects of faith.
But sometimes, marriage and love is still not easy – even if you are faithful, marriage can go through trying times and tough situations.
If you have marriage trouble or require marriage restoration, it also becomes a question of faith. Believe in the Lord, and approach the restoration of your marriage together while keeping God in your line of sight.
Here are some of the best prayers for marriage restoration.
Prayers for Forgiveness
The Bible tell us that love is patient and kind.
Be with us, as we approach a journey to forgiveness so that we may live better. Forgive our transgressions, and grant us the wisdom to see through a brighter future for our relationships.
We raise our issues through prayer, and vow to live our lives in agreement with the Lord’s way.
Light our path, as we pray for forgiveness and look to the future.
May God grant us strength in our marriage, and may we be guarded in our relationship by our collective faith in Him.
We ask this in His name,
We come together in the Lord’s name to pray for forgiveness and strength in the future of our marriage.
Nobody is perfect, but we are so much closer to perfection with our faith in the Lord.
Help us to see the good in one another, and help us to strengthen our future and our faith.
Together we are stronger, and with this we ask the Lord to forgive our transgressions and strengthen our bond. We look to the future, a future of abundance, happiness and glory to the Lord’s word.
We ask this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Marriage Longevity
May the Lord’s word be there to light our path forward.
May the Lord hold His hand firm over both of us.
May our marriage be strong in the Lord’s eyes, and may we both look to the Lord for guidance when we need it.
Keep our bond as strong as our faith.
We ask this in the Lord’s name,
We pray that our marriage be blessed, and that our marriage will forever remain as strong as our faith in the Lord.
As we’ve made it through hard times and questions of faith, the Lord has always been with us. We ask that the Lord continue to show us His divine way – and light our path to marriage restoration and strength in our belief.
May we rejoice, and never weep.
May we remain strong, and never weak.
May we live according to the Lord’s way, and never stray from the path.
From the moment of our very first commitment to the Lord to our last days, may the Lord carry us for every moment,
We ask for this in the Lord’s name.
Prayers for Marriage Counseling
Please be with us as we pray the Lord’s divine power over our marriage.
We ask that the Lord be with us as we make it through difficult times.
We ask that the Lord provide us with guidance to strengthen our relationship, both with one another and with God.
A relationship requires two people, and the Lord. We ask that God shows us the way to a stronger, fruitful and abundant marriage.
Love is patient, and love isk ind, and we ask it to remain so for the rest of days.
Help us in the Lord’s name, now and forever.
We pray in the Lord’s name that our relationship may become as strong as the strongest granite rock that stands. We pray that our marriage may last as long as God’s love, and become as endless as we know it can.
We ask that the Lord’s hand be cast over our relationship, guarding us and making us stronger for our faith in Him.
We pray that our relationship goes forward, and never dwells in the past or wanders away from the Lord’s path.
May all our concerns and issues be resolved, and may all things be made possible through God.
We ask this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Marriage Help
We come together in prayer to ask the Lord for strength in our marriage.
Love is patient and kind as the Bible tells us, but we do sometimes lose our way. We ask the Lord to fix our faith, to fix our relationships, and to fix our eyes on God.
We ask for strength, and we ask for longevity. We ask that our problems can be brought before the Lord, so that we never have to face anything alone.
Keep our faith as strong as the strongest rock. Anchor us to the Lord’s path, and keep our love for one another as strong as it was on the very first day.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name, and we know it is possible through faith in the Lord,
Please be with us as we open our hearts and minds to the message of the Lord.
We pray for marriage resolution, and we ask that any issues that affect our hearts may be brought before the Lord.
Love is patient and kind, but love can also lose its way. Bring our hearts together, as strong as the first day, in the Lord’s name.
We pray that we might always approach our relationship with wisdom, kindness and belief.
We pray that we might always remember and be faithful to our vows, and our collective commitment to the Lord’s way.
We pray this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Marriage Restoration
We pray to the Lord for the restoration of our marriage, and for the strengthening of our faith. All things are possible through God, and we ask God to bring back our love and our belief.
While we might have lost our way, we ask the Lord that we might find our way back to one another.
Strengthen our love, and strengthen our faith.
Restore the love that we have once had, and be with us so we might again strengthen the bonds that hold our marriage together.
May we approach our relationship with wisdom and earnest belief. May we always have love, in the Lord’s name.
Be with us for a brighter future, as You have kept with us through difficult and trying times in the past.
We join our hands together in prayer and look to the Lord for guidance in our marriage.
We have been through difficult times, together. We ask that the Lord and His word guide us in our path to the future.
We ask that our marriage is strong in the Lord.
We ask that we regain our strength and our faith and our love for one another.
We ask that our path be lit with happiness and abundance.
We ask that we might always be true to our marriage vows just like the very first day.
Strengthen our faith, so that wemight always look to the Lord in our time of need.
Please be with us, and be kind to our future.

Prayers for a Stronger Marriage
As we have made our way through past difficulties, we ask that we may bring forth a new start. We ask that the Lord’s way shows us how to put the past behind us, and learn to be there for one another as the Bible tells us.
Guide us as we go forth on a path of belief, faith and love.
Guide us to a better path, lived in line with the Lord’s plan for us.
Guide us to a stronger marriage that follows the Lord’s way.
We pray for strength, and we pray for faith. We pray that our marriage is blessed and abundant, and never dwindles from God’s way.
We ask this in the Lord’s name.
We join our hands and look to God to find our faith, and to pray for strength in our marriage.
May God grant us strength, and allow us to come closer together as people. May we be as strong as we once used to be, and forever faithful to our initial marriage vows. Strengthen our marriage so that we may live to glorify His word.
Even when we have strayed away from the Lord’s plan for us, we know that it takes our faith to find our way back.
We pray for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Marriage Faith
We join our hands in faith to pray for the strengthening of our marriage.
When we have lost our way, may we always find our path back to the Lord. When we have hurt one another, may we always find a way to forgive and more forward.
When we have lived in separate way for some time, may our love bring us closer together again.
We know that all things are possible through God.
Give us the strength to make it through our obstacles. May no stumbling block ever get in the way of our love, or our relationship with the Lord.
Be with us through tough times, and through good ones.
Let our love remain as strong as our love for the Lord.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
We ask that we never stray from the Lord’s divine path for our lives.
We ask that we both may remain strong in our faith, and strong in our commitment to each other and the Lord.
We ask that we can both remain kind, and love one another as ourselves.
Be with us for every step of our relatonship, and may we approach the rest of our days with wisdom in line with the Lord’s word.
Prayers for a New Marriage
We ask that the Lord keep His hand and sight over our new relationship.
Guide us, so that we might live our lives as the Lord has planned. Show us, so that we might always find our way. Teach us, so that we can always learn how to keep our marriage and our commitment strong.
As an evergreen tree, may our love always be abundant, beautiful and fruitful.
When we wander off the Lord’s path, may we always find our way back together. When we doubt, may we always find strength in our faith. When we fall, may we be there to pick one another up again and look to the future.
May our love remain as strong as the strongest bond, forever.
We ask this in the Lord’s name.
We ask that the Lord casts His hand over our marriage, so that we might grow closer to one another with every passing day.
May our relationship be filled with love, with light, and with strength – even through difficult times. May we always love, and learn to love. May our relationship be kept strong through the power of the Lord, and through our love for one another.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Marriage Improvement
We pray for the improvement of our marriage, and the betterment of our relationship.
May we live each day better, and with more love and kindness than the last.
All good things need work. We ask that the Lord joins us in every step of the way, and strengthens our bond and our faith.
Strengthen our love for one another each day. Build our love on a foundation of faith, and show us the right way to conduct our lives.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name and we look to a path lit by His way.