Here are some of the best prayers for forgiveness, including prayers for forgiveness, prayers for forgiveness from sin and prayers for divine forgiveness.
Prayers for Forgiveness
We join our hands in prayer to ask you for forgiveness from our sins and past transgressions.
Forgive us for the moments where we have acted against God’s will or plan for our lives. Forgive us for the times when we have strayed away from the path of the Lord, unknowingly or knowingly. Forgive us for what we have done wrong in the past, for we ask to walk our future closer with the Lord’s will.
Please guide our everychoice so that we might know what to do in our lives. Please help us to make our every decision so that we never again stray away from the Lord’s will or way. Please help us to find our answers in the word.
In God’s name we ask this,
Please hear us as we pray for mercy and the Lord’s kindness and forgiveness during these times.
We bring our past transgressions and sins in front of the Lord so that we might make a new start with the way of the Lord. We open our hearts and ask for forgiveness, so that we might know to move forward with a new way in the Lord’s name.
We ask for the Lord to be with us so that we might live each and every day with love and faith,
May we all find forgiveness through our bond with the Lord,
In God’s name we pray,
Prayers for Forgiveness from Sin
We ask that You forgive us for our sins and the times we have gone against the Lord’s word.
Walk with us in times of difficulty and temptation, so that we might find our way back to faith. Stay with us in times of strife, so that we might stay close to the Lord’s way and act in accordance with God’s plan for us.
Forgive us as You have promised us through Your eternal forgiveness, and be with us so that we might never repeat our past mistakes. We ask that You help us in our every action and thought, for You are the Lord our God.
We pray this in the Lord’s name,
We ask You to be with us in this moment as we join hands to pray for forgiveness.
Forgive us for the times where we have acted outside of the Lord’s plan for our lives, and thought that our own actions were more wise than the Lord’s infinite wisdom.
Forgive us for the times when we were expected to act with kindness, but chose not to through our own selfishenss or excuses at the time.
Forgive us for the times when we might have acted out of anger, when the Lord needed us to be an example of love and kindness.
Let us turn over a new leaf and live each day to rejoice in the glory of the Lord our God,
Prayers to Forgive Others
We ask that You be there to forgive those who have crossed our path and led us into harm or temptation. We ask that You be there to show them the way of the light, and that they might change their ways and turn to the Lord.
We join to ask that You show them eternal kindness and love in the name of the Lord.
Let us rejoice, for we know that the love of God is neverending and His mercy is of note. Let us rejoice, for we know that God’s faith is what keeps us strong in His name each and every day.
We join together to ask You that you might forgive those who have crossed us and those who have tempted our faith away from the Lord.
We pray the Lord’s blessings over anyone who has sinned or acted outside of the Lord’s plan for their lives. We pray that theymight find their way through the way of the Lord, and see our actions and our faith as an example.
Please forgive them, as the Lord has forgiven us in the past,
We ask for forgiveness in God’s name,
Prayers for Forgiveness Through Christ
We ask the Lord for forgiveness in Christ, for the times we have knowingly and unknowingly gone against His word and message
May the Lord our God be there to protect us through His message, and may we always be shown the way. May we find forgiveness in Christ so that we can make our way forward with each day as a new start to the rest of our lives.
Make us a good example of Christ’s message, so that we might inspire the faith in others.
We ask this in the Lord’s name,
We ask the Lord for forgiveness in Christ, for the times we have knowingly and unknowingly gone against His word and message
May the Lord our God be there to protect us through His message, and may we always be shown the way. May we find forgiveness in Christ so that we can make our way forward with each day as a new start to the rest of our lives.
Make us a good example of Christ’s message, so that we might inspire the faith in others.
We ask this in the Lord’s name,

Prayers for Forgiveness in Crisis
We ask for Your divine forgiveness during these times.
May God show us the way when we have strayed away from the Lord’s path. May we find answers through the Word and never question where the Lord takes us. May we seek a way forward and be a good example of Christ’s love from the beginning of time until the end.
All things are possible through the Lord our God, and we rejoice for God is good,
Please forgive our sins and our past mistakes, as You have forgiven us in the past.
May we never againf all into the same temptation, and may we have the future wisdom to avoid the same mistakes. In the Lord’s name, we ask that You always show us the right way and help us to make our decisions in line with the Lord.
We ask that each day of our lives become a good example of the Lord’s work working through us,
In the Lord’s name we pray,
Prayers for Forgiveness in Anger
We ask forgiveness for the times when we have acted through anger or revenge.
Show us the way of kindness, and not of wrath. Teach us to be kinder, and a true example of Christ’s message of love and forgiveness. Forgive us our past, so that we might carve out a way to a kinder future with faith in the Lord.
In God’s name we pray,
Please forgive us our anger, as you have forgiven our sins through the sacrifice of Christ.
Teach us to be kind, and guide our thoughts, our actions and our decisions with wisdom and kindness. Show us the way, so that we might be the best example of our faith that leads others to the Lord.
We ask this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Divine Forgiveness
We ask You to forgive our sins as You have forgiven Your faithful flock since the beginnings of time.
Guide our thoughts and actions so that we act with wisdom, and so that we might never stray from the Lord’s path for us.
Teach us to forgive others, as You have forgiven us. Teach us to become examples of the Lord’s way in our every thought and action.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
In times of sin and temptation, we ask that You are with us. In times of questioning our faith, we ask that You are there to make us strong.
All things are possible through the Lord our God,
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Thankful Forgiveness
We take this moment to thank You for Your forgiveness.
We rejoice, for the Lord our God is good. We rejoice, for we feel the love for God in our every day alive. We rejoice, for we know that through forgiveness we can one day see the Kingdom of the Lord.
We thank the Lord for each and every day,
We thank the Lord for each day that we are forgiven for our past.
We are thankful that God has given us the opportunity to rejoice, and to live each and every day with more conviction for the Lord.
May we live from one day to the next with even more love for the Lord. May we become an example of the Lord’s love for us with each and every day.
In the Lord’s name we pray,