The Bible tell us that the Lord is always there for us. Whenever we are in need of comfort from the Lord, the best thing to do is to pray for it. The Lord hears our prayers, and we can always find comfort in the word of the Lord our God.
Here are the best prayers for comfort, including prayers for comfort in mourning, prayers for comfort in crisis and prayers for comfort in faith.
Prayers for Comfort
We say this prayer so that we might find eternal comfort in the Lord during our times of need.
Please may the Lord protect us, and keep us in His strength forever. May no obstacle or stumbling block be too much for us to handle, for we take it on with the Lord our God. May our strife and difficulty fall away, for the Lord our God is strong and we believe.
Our strength, our faith and our comfort all comes from the Lord our God.
May we be forever strong in the Lord.
We pray so that we might be made stronger through the faith of the Lord.
May we find comfort in the Lord’s word when we are most in need of it. May we find solace in the Lord’s way when we go through difficult times. May the Lord be there to strengthen our faith and keep our belief so that we might always remember where our strength really comes from.
We are thankful for the Lord’s love is evident in our every day,
Please may the Lord be there to walk each and every day with us, so that we might never waiver away from our faith in Him.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Comfort in Mourning
We say this prayer so that the Lord might bring us comfort in our time of mourning.
May we know not to be sad, but to rejoice for we will find eternal comfort in the Lord. May we know never to act out of sadness, but to be glad for each day is a wonderful gift from the Lord. May our faith be forever strong and stronger every day, for we have faith in the Lord’s plan for our lives.
We ask that the Lord hear our prayer, and keep with us every day of our lives.
In the Lord’s name we pray,
Please hear our prayer as we ask for comfort from the Lord, and mercy through Christ.
Please carry us through difficult times, and reassure us that we never walk alone but with the Lord. Please hear our voices and let us rejoice, so that we can forever be strong in the name of the Lord. Please show us your way, so that we never stray away from the Lord’s path for our lives and live forever to glorify the Lord our God.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Comfort in Crisis
We say this prayer and ask that You might comfort us during our times of crisis.
Please be with us so that we might never lose our faith. Please carry us so that we might never feel alone. Please guide us so that we might never lose our way.
The Lord’s power trumps all, and we are forever strong through the Lord our God.
In Christ’s name we pray,
We ask that You might grant us comfort during these times.
We pray that You are with us for every second, so that we might rejoice and never be sad or question the way of the Lord. We pray that the Lord can guide us for every step of the way, so that we might never stray away from the path the Lord has set out for us.
Please bless our each and every day, so that we might live longer and rejoice in the name of the Lord.
God’s power is neverending, and our faith in God is strong.
We say this prayer in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Comfort in Sadness
Please be with us as we pray for comfort during sadness.
May we know to find our way back to the Lord through His kindness and His word. May we always feel the Lord’s guiding hand that helps us on to the right path for our lives. May we find comfort in the word and way of the Lord when we are most in need of it.
We are grateful for each and every day that the Lord has given us to live out on Earth.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
We say this prayer so that we might find comfort during our times of need.
Let the word of Christ be there to guide us. Let the light of God be there to light the way. Let us find strength, faith and kindness in the arms of the Lord, and may we live each day so that we might one day find the Kingdom of Heaven and be with the Lord our God.
We rejoice for the blessings that God has given us, and we ask for comfort so that we might never face any issues or questions alone.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Comfort in Faith
We ask that You bless us with comfort in faith.
Please take our obstacles and stumbling blocks away, so that our path to the Lord might be clear and straight. Please hear our voices and guard our minds, so that we might consider every action and thought to the glory of the Lord. Please be with us now, so that we might feel Your love as present in our lives forever.
In God we find comfort, in Christ we find our strength.
All things are possible through the Lord our God, and we ask the Lord to he with us.
We ask that You are with us during our times of need and strife.
Be with us when we need comfort, and be with us when we need strength. Be with us when we need faith, and be with us when we need love.
The Bible tells us to always bring our issues in front of the Lord our God. We ask that You help us to make each and every day more blessed than the last.
We rejoice for the blessings that we have received, and we ask the Lord to be with us now and always.
In the Lord’s name we pray,

Prayers for Comfort Through God
Please may we find our comfort in the Lord our God, and never seek out other temptations to comfort us.
Make us wise, so that we make each and every decision in our lives to the glory of the Lord. Make us strong, so that our belief and faith might never waiver and that we are forever strong in the name of the Lord our God. Make us kind, so that each and every day we spend on Earth is lived to the glory of the Lord.
We know that we might one day see the Kingdom of Heaven, and we ask the Lord our God to remain with us here on this Earth.
Guide our thoughts and our minds, and bestow us with love and blessings for You are the Lord our God.
Please hear our voices as we pray for comfort, not only for us but also for others in the world who might be in need as we say this prayer.
Protect us from harm, and bring us comfort when we are in times of questioning, times of difficulty or times of mourning. Please make each day better and more blessed than the next, so that we might always find eternal comfort in the Lord. Please let us live with great glory, so that we might tell others about the wonderful glory of the Lord.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Comfort in Christ
We ask that You be with us as we say this prayer for comfort.
May the Lord’s love and mercy always be there to bring us comfort during our times of need. May the Lord’s word always be the answers we need to see in our lives. May the Lord’s wisdom and message be our guiding light as we go through our lives sometimes uncertain about what to say or do.
We ask that the Lord bring his love and comfort over us, so that we might live to rejoice in His name with each and every single day.
We ask this in the Lord’s name,
We pray so that You might bring us comfort during our time of need.
We ask that the Lord cast His shield of protection over us, so that we might rejoice instead of question and be glad instead of unhappy. May we rejoice, for the Lord our God is good. May we rejoice, for we are forever protected through the Lord’s word and love.
Let the Lord’s comfort be there to hold us forever,
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
Prayers for Comfort in Need
We say this prayer for those who might be in need of comfort, and for those who don’t know where else to
Please help us so that we might never feel alone, and please be there so that we might always be there to find the answers we seek through the Lord our God. Please helps us so that we might remain forever protected through the faith and the mercy of the Lord our God.
We ask that the Lord be there to hear us, and that the Lord be there to hold us.
We will never be alone, for the Lord our God is good.
In the Lord’s name we pray,
Please be there to comfort us in our time of need, as You were there to comfort Christ during His time.
We ask that You guide our path with Your message, so that we might make every decision out of wisdom and know to rejoice for You are the Lord. We ask that You keep our hearts and minds close, so that we might never lose our belief or our faith in the Lord
Guard us and guide us, for You are the Lord our God.
May we always find comfort when we are in need. May we always find the answers we seek through the knowledge found in the word of God.
In God’s name we pray,
Prayers for Comfort in Sadness
We say this prayer so that we might find comfort in our time of sadness through God.
Please may the Lord carry us so that we never walk this path alone. Please may the Lord bring us comfort and blessings, so that we might be reassured through the love of the Lord. Please may our stumbling blocks and obstacles turn to dust, for all things are possible through the Lord our God.
We ask that the Lord helps us through each and every day, so that we might remain strong through His faith.
We ask for this in the Lord’s name,
Please bring us comfort during these times, and let Your blessings be evident in every moment of our lives.
We rejoice, for the Lord our God is good. We rejoice, for the Lord our God makes all things possible. We rejoice, for we know that the Lord has strengthened our love and our faith.
We thank the Lord,